Hello friend,
It is a well known fact that we learn best, not from books but other people. The person that has the skills that you want is the person you need to seek out in order to attain the same skills as fast as possible.
The influences you are surrounded with will determine who you will become, for better or worse. It is crucial to be very aware and “picky” about the sources of your information and who you listen to.
In fact, this is exactly how ancient mystery schools would prepare the student for what awaited them in their quest for higher knowledge and occult understanding.
The neophyte would be assigned to a more advanced mentor that would help the student progress faster.
As you tried to progress in your magickal development, you likely experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed. And that is absolutely normal!
The field of metaphysics, magick and the occult is so vast that it is extremely hard to develop an overview, never mind to progress on your own.
That is why I have created a magickal mentorship for you. Me, Frank White/Aurelius Sopax, will become your Magick Mentor.
In more than 250 Lessons I will let you into my life. I will take you into my temple and train you in the correct way of doing rituals that will get you actual results!
I will teach you my secret tricks and insights gained in my magickal practice for more than two decades.
I will introduce you to the concepts and understandings that are absolutely necessary if you want to be a magician and develop real occult power.
I will show you my personal practice, meditations, energy work and much much more. Accumulating in a whole new understanding and level of power in your magick.
The best way to learn something is to expose yourself to the influence of the things and people that you would want to emulate and become more like.
What would it do for you if a master magician showed you his personal studies and rituals. What if he gave you insights and understandings about his art that removed years from your learning curve?
What if he gave you exact steps and daily practices that you can follow and do yourself so that your power exploded? You would be leaps and bounds ahead of any practitioner that just tried to learn from books or most courses.
Magick Mentor, Frank White`s Course will give you all that and more. You will learn from the master himself. You will learn his mindset, philosophy, his secret keys to power over entities as well as the way to gain those powers yourself.
Exercises that raise your vibration and power. And others that increase your intuition and open your third eye.
For a fraction of this knowledge people undertook life threatening journeys. And you can now access it here. So take advantage of this once a lifetime chance now. More than 250 Lessons are waiting for you!
(You must be above 18 years old to become a member of this course!)